
Hello and welcome! 

This blog is where I will be able to share all sorts of useful information about running and training, as well as giving you a chance to learn a little bit more about me, your coach! 

I got my start with running all the way back in 2008, on a high school cross country team in San Diego, California. As was probably the case with many of us when it came to running at school, I didn’t really enjoy it at first. I didn’t know about proper gear or how to pace myself, so I can still remember how hard that first 3 mile run in the desert heat felt, wearing a thick cotton t-shirt and baggy basketball shorts! 

But soon I wised up and fell in love with running, feeling the joy when I hit new milestones or beat my PBs. I loved the team aspect of cross country, and the fact that you were racing purely to try and beat the person in front of you. I joined the track team too, and raced the 800, 1600, and 3200m (in my opinion, the 800 is the hardest race out of any distance I’ve ever done!). 

Running as an adult was when I really fell in love with the long distances, though. I moved to London five years ago and immediately joined London City Runners, with whom I now coach at the Wednesday night track sessions. Nothing will get you to sign up for a marathon quicker than being around other runners! 

Since then, I have run two marathons and countless half-marathons, coaching myself to big PBs along the way — I have so far shaved 80 minutes off my marathon time and 34 minutes off my half-marathon by implementing the tools I learned as a coach. I’ll soon be tackling my first ultramarathon next summer, and look forward to returning to road races again after that. 

However, I’m most looking forward to sharing my love of running with others through coaching. You can’t beat talking about running all day, every day!  


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